
Ruggero Robin Stomp


"Ci sono uomini che fanno grandi cose e ci sono piccole cose che fanno grandi gli uomini ... Con questo "piccolo bastardo" Posso fare grandi cose"

"There are men who make great things and there are little things that make the men great ... With this "little bastard"  I can do great things"
Ruggero Robin



Bruce Gaitsch Stomp


"The best new amplifier at the 2011 Frankfurt Musik Messe was for sure the Taurus Stomp Amp. It looks like a pedal but it is the power amp.  Incredible idea. No long guitar cables running from pedals to the back of the stage, everything you need is at your feet. The only long cable needed is to go back to your speakers.
The amp also sounds wonderful. 70 or 40 watts of clean or screaming power at your toe tips..
With it's effects loop right there it is so handy and easy to get your pedals run thru the inside of the amp not before the input.
The best of all worlds with the two channels and their respective Crunch and Boost attenuators. I also love the stand bye button for changing guitars etc.
All in all and incredibly clever, well planned and built to last a lifetime amp that you can throw in your carry on bag and take to Japan or anywhere for that matter for your concerts. Small package HUGE sound.  Thank you Taurus, a technical problem we didn't know we had, beautifully solved."
Bruce R Gaitsch  Nashville TN 12/9/11





Stomp Head Boo-Boo
Artur Boo-Boo Twarowski > więcej

To nie jest preamp i nie jest cyfrowy . To prawdziwy wzmacniacz!
Wydaje mi się, że czasem w pogoni za brzmieniem vintige zatracamy samych siebie.
Ja dotarłem do punktu, w którym zadałem sobie pytanie:
Wolisz odtwarzać brzmienie czy też tworzyć cos zupełnie nowego z narzedziem jakiego wcześniej nie bylo?
Wtedy pojawił się Stomp-Head, wspaniały kompactowy wzmacniacz, ktory dał mi sound jakiego potrzebuję.
Próbowałem porównywać go z tradycyjnymi  Headami i jak dla mnie  brzmi lepiej od większości z nich i do tego prawie nic nie  waży.
Brzmieniowo jest bezkonkurencyjny a w funkcjonalności przebija dużo droższe wzmacniacze.








Tommy Denander > więcej

"I've got the Stomp-head and HOLY SHIT how great it sounds!!!!
This is one of the smartest and best sounding amps i've's a real tube amp as a stomp box...just bring a small speaker cab and put effects in the loop and you're set."
Tommy Denander









Pedro Andrea Stomp-Head

Pedro Andrea >

"Wreszcie wzmacniacz ze świetnym i uniwersalnym / wszechstronnym brzmieniem, z ogromnymi możliwościami, a wszystko w tak małej i poręcznej formie.
Poprostu podłączasz się do Taurusa i resztę masz z głowy."
Pedro Andrea






 Michael Thompson

Michael Thompson
> więcej

"I love my Taurus Stomp Head...It gets a really great sound direct into the board and it also sounds great powering speakers. It's amazing that Taurus packed such a powerful amp into a such a small,light unit. Kudos to Taurus!"."
Michael Thompson







Chris Hermsdörfer > więcej

"This Amp is just awesome - never thought about an amp in this size is able to create such a changable sound! I need heavy and normal rock sounds as well - with the SH4 I am able to do everything I'd like to - and rock every stage it needs to :)"
Chris Hermsdörfer